If you believe that a thriving library is vital to a vibrant city, we invite you to imagine with us.
With your support, here’s what a day in the life at Saskatoon’s new central library will be like.

10 am
Building early literacy
Kids gather with excitement in the story room as their program is about to begin. Afterwards, they will explore the interactive discovery space and choose books to take home while their caregivers socialize.
The library builds critical early literacy skills that form the foundation of learning success.

10:30 am
Preserving community history
A man begins researching his genealogy in the Local History Collection using information from historic newspapers, photos and periodicals.
The library preserves Saskatoon’s culture and history.

11 am
Providing STEAM learning opportunities
A school class is visiting to engage in hands-on learning in the Innovation Lab. They are working with graphic design software and 3D printing. Later, a musician will record their debut album and a small business owner will use the video studio to take photos for her website.
Innovation spaces greatly enhance the community’s creativity and help local enterprises grow.

11:30 am
Promoting health literacy
A group has gathered in the demonstration kitchen to learn how to make healthy food on a limited budget.
Teaching food preparation and nutrition is just one of the many ways the library supports community health.

12 pm
Connecting people with books
Friends meet to catch up over their lunch break. They pick up the new books everyone’s talking about before heading back to work.
The library benefits residents’ budgets and quality of life by providing free and equal access to collections, services, programs, technology and spaces.

1 pm
Sharing oral stories & traditions
A smudging ceremony is underway before the Knowledge Keeper in Residence shares traditional teachings and stories.
The library provides community leadership in reconciliation, anti-racism and social-inclusion initiatives.

2 pm
Creating community connections
Older adults gather for a popular weekly program. Many have been attending this program for years. This afternoon, a documentary film series will be shown.
Library programs provide older patrons, many whom are socially isolated, the opportunity to connect and engage in lifelong learning.

3:30 pm
Creating access to technology & job skills training
A young woman is in the technology training program learning to use new software she hopes will help get her a higher-paying job. Afterwards, she’ll update her resume on a public computer.
The library provides free programs and services, helping to advance job prospects. This is particularly important for a community’s most vulnerable individuals, including youth and those living in poverty.

4:30 pm
Sharing community space
A small group of community volunteers meet in one of the free bookable rooms for a planning session.
The library provides free public space where community members can meet and collaborate.

5:30 pm
Showcasing emerging artists
A couple browses the current art exhibition in The Gallery, discussing each piece as they go. It is the artist’s first show and the exposure is helping raise their profile in the art community.
The library offers opportunities for developing art and cultural literacies.

7 pm
Welcoming newcomers
Newcomers gather to meet new people and practice English-speaking skills.
The library provides critical spaces and services for new residents, including settlement and language supports, to help them adjust to their new life in Saskatoon.

7:30 pm
Community gathering place
The reading room is filled with residents relaxing in comfy chairs, unwinding from busy days with books and newspapers in their community living room.
Central libraries significantly strengthen the cultural fabric of a community and enhance the attractiveness of downtown cores.
Extensive community input, including consultations with 13 resident advisory committees, informed much of the new library design. The result is a new library that reflects the traditions, aspirations, hopes and dreams of our incredible community.
Make a donation today
Every gift makes a difference in improving the quality of life for everyone who calls Saskatoon home today and for generations to come.